Site Characterization

Averaging Depth (m)
Average Travel Time Velocity Vsz (m/s)
Velocity Uncertainty (m/s)
5.0 901 212
10.0 825 163
15.0 867 114
20.0 947 110
25.0 1021 111
30.0 1079 113
40.0 1185 115
50.0 1268 118
75.0 1419 129
100.0 1527 139
150.0 1688 149
200.0 1810 152
QWL Picture

Quarter-wavelength representation of the velocity profiles. See Poggi et al. (2012). Characterizing the Vertical-to-Horizontal Ratio of Ground Motion at Soft-Sediment Sites. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(6), 2741–2756.

Profile Picture
Z0.8 (m) 2.0

Z0.8 is the depth where the average of the profiles reach the velocity of 0.8 km/s

Z1 (m) 6.0

Z1 is the depth where the average of the profiles reach the velocity of 1 km/s,

Z1.5 (m) 24.0

Z1.5 is the depth where the average of the profiles reach the velocity of 1.5km/s

last modified
file type
Geoexpert AG Swissnuclear 23-06-2014 07:32:47 Document 09SN_00Summary_Report.pdf
Geoexpert AG Swissnuclear 01-04-2015 09:41:56 Document 09SN_06BRANT_Report.pdf
Donat Fäh SED 13-03-2024 09:04:14 Document Determination_of_Site_Information_for_Seismic_Stations.pdf
Valerio Poggi SED 01-04-2015 13:47:04 Document SED_Exteded_Profiles_20130822_FINAL.pdf