Current Stations

A list of current stations in the seiscomp3 db

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CH Swiss Seismological Service PERON Péron, France 46.1911 5.9079 708 2019-10-08 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SAVIG Le Moulin, Savigny, Haute-Savoie, France 46.0659 5.9734 529 2018-01-18 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service CHALL Challoux, Bernex, GE 46.1677 6.0443 459 2022-12-22 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SALEV Salève, Haute-Savoie, France 46.0602 6.0970 1084 2019-04-18 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service COLLE Collex-Bossy, Route de la Vieille-Bâtie, GE 46.2925 6.1206 447 2020-03-20 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service LADOL La Dôle, La Barillette, VD 46.4321 6.1315 1455 2019-08-23 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SGEV Geneve, Feuerwehrzentrale, GE 46.2006 6.1368 372 2011-12-13 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SONUG Office des Nations Unies à Genève (ONUG), GE 46.2276 6.1388 435 2019-10-31 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service GIMEL St. Georges, Gimel, VD 46.5336 6.2655 1094 1999-09-06 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service VINZL Vinzel, Chemin de la Chaponnière, VD 46.4518 6.2782 553 2019-10-25 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service FORET La Forêt, Jussy, GE 46.2317 6.2934 501 2022-12-15 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service MESRY MESRY, Chemin du Plantez, France 46.3466 6.3084 426 2019-10-08 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service AUBON Aubonne, Arboretum, VD 46.5122 6.3642 591 2021-11-08 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service BAULM Baulmes, Aiguilles de Baulmes, VD 46.7872 6.4676 1237 2022-02-01 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service BRANT Les Verrieres, NE 46.9380 6.4730 1145 2002-10-10 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service LASAR La Sarraz, Réservoir des Aleveys, VD 46.6665 6.4903 615 2023-01-19 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SEPFL Lausanne, EPFL, VD 46.5212 6.5657 396 2011-10-26 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service CHAMB Chamblon, Rue du Cossaux, VD 46.7823 6.6118 437 2021-11-11 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SYVP Yverdon, Rue des Philosophes, VD 46.7747 6.6418 434 2011-09-07 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service OPENS Oppens, Waadt, VD 46.7223 6.6883 585 2021-12-16 details...
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