Current Stations

A list of current stations in the seiscomp3 db

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CH Swiss Seismological Service SIOM Sion-Mayennets, VS 46.2290 7.3619 495 1993-03-12 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SIOO Sion, Ophtalmol, VS 46.2328 7.3832 495 2002-05-31 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SIOV Sion, Valere, VS 46.2351 7.3642 560 2002-05-31 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SIZS Ilanz, Schule, GR 46.7724 9.2053 752 2016-05-25 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SKAF Kaiseraugst, Friedhof, AG 47.5384 7.7199 270 2006-03-22 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SKEK Kerns, Kirchgemeinde, OW 46.9022 8.2775 569 2019-02-24 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SKIES Kriens Schulhaus, LU 47.0217 8.3002 450 2023-07-20 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SKLW Kloten, Waffenplatz, ZH 47.4630 8.5675 428 2015-05-29 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SKRK Kreuzlingen, Kantonsschule, TG 47.6481 9.1806 403 2015-04-17 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLCF La Chaux-de-Fonds, Flughafen, NE 47.0830 6.7924 1017 2016-09-20 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLE Schleitheim, SH 47.7645 8.4924 648 1980-11-10 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLENK Lenk Schule, BE 46.4553 7.4449 1065 2019-08-08 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLIES Liestal Spital, BL 47.4876 7.7323 313 2020-09-18 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLOP Locarno, Pompieri, TI 46.1638 8.7906 200 2013-06-14 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLTM2 Linthal, Matt, GL 46.9236 9.0009 648 2011-06-01 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLUB Luzern, Bramberg, LU 47.0579 8.3055 511 2011-12-01 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLUK Luzern, Kirche, LU 47.0479 8.3083 436 2014-12-02 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLUW Luzern, Werkhofstrasse, LU 47.0463 8.3179 436 2010-12-15 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLUX Val Lumnezia, GR 46.6931 9.1498 1215 2021-09-16 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SMAO Martigny, Rue d'Octodure, VS 46.0989 7.0748 473 2012-11-12 details...
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