Current Stations

A list of current stations in the seiscomp3 db

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CH Swiss Seismological Service FIESA Fiescheralp, VS 46.4352 8.1105 2341 2009-11-12 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SVIT Visp, VS 46.2897 7.8850 652 2010-06-05 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SVIL Visp, VS 46.2923 7.8865 647 2010-07-20 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SVIO Visp, VS 46.2908 7.8803 650 2010-07-21 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SBUB Buchserberg Malbun, SG 47.1459 9.4342 1371 2010-09-02 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service LAUCH Lauchernalp - Loetschental, VS 46.4155 7.7717 2160 2010-10-21 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SGRA Graechen, Ausblick, VS 46.1936 7.8356 1591 2010-12-15 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLUW Luzern, Werkhofstrasse, LU 47.0463 8.3179 436 2010-12-15 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SNIB St. Niklaus, Bahnofstrasse, VS 46.1771 7.8024 1110 2010-12-16 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SRER Reinach, Rainenweg, BL 47.5116 7.5979 294 2011-05-10 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SLTM2 Linthal, Matt, GL 46.9236 9.0009 648 2011-06-01 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SCHS Schaffhausen, Spital, SH 47.7114 8.6365 472 2011-06-09 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SBUA2 Buchs, Kindergarten, SG 47.1591 9.4710 464 2011-06-24 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service PANIX Panix, Lag da Pigniu, Staumauer, GR 46.8257 9.1117 1433 2011-08-05 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SYVP Yverdon, Rue des Philosophes, VD 46.7747 6.6418 434 2011-09-07 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SEPFL Lausanne, EPFL, VD 46.5212 6.5657 396 2011-10-26 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service NALPS Val Nalps, GR 46.5951 8.7483 2346 2011-10-31 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service GRIMS Grimsel, Gerstenegg, BE 46.5781 8.3189 1746 2011-11-09 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SCUG Chur Gewerbeschulhaus, GR 46.8561 9.5238 575 2011-11-18 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SOLB Solothurn, Schulhaus Bruehl, SO 47.2068 7.5171 430 2011-11-22 details...
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