Current Stations

A list of current stations in the seiscomp3 db

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CH Swiss Seismological Service OPENS Oppens, Waadt, VD 46.7223 6.6883 585 2021-12-16 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service OTER2 Otterbach, 2, BS 47.5777 7.6038 253 2006-10-31 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service OTTER Otterbach, BS 47.5778 7.6038 298 2004-12-05 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service PANIX Panix, Lag da Pigniu, Staumauer, GR 46.8257 9.1117 1433 2011-08-05 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service PERON Péron, France 46.1911 5.9079 708 2019-10-08 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service PLONS Plons, SG 47.0492 9.3808 1022 2002-05-22 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service ROMAN Romanshorn, Forsthaus, TG 47.5643 9.3360 442 2015-04-22 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service ROTHE Rothenfluh, BL 47.4761 7.9209 681 2013-01-25 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SAARA Aarau, Neue Kantonsschule, AG 47.3861 8.0438 409 2018-08-07 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SAIG Aigle, Rue de la Gare, VD 46.3172 6.9666 415 2012-04-20 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SAIRA Les Sairains Dessus, JU 47.3027 7.0865 966 2011-11-24 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SALAN Lac Salanfe, VS 46.1442 6.9730 1881 2001-07-11 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SALEV Salève, Haute-Savoie, France 46.0602 6.0970 1084 2019-04-18 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SALTS Altdorf, Spital, UR 46.8820 8.6382 447 2012-11-12 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SAPK Appenzell, Kantonsschule, AI 47.3305 9.4043 778 2015-12-10 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SARC Ardon Commune, VS 46.2098 7.2564 486 2018-05-29 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SARD Ardez Schule, GR 46.7766 10.2049 1488 2015-06-24 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SARE Arbon, Evangelische Kirche, TG 47.5149 9.4302 414 2014-12-19 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SARK Sarnen, Kantonsschule, OW 46.8914 8.2432 472 2012-05-29 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SAUR Augst, Roemermuseum, BL 47.5339 7.7228 290 2005-11-01 details...
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