Current Stations

A list of current stations in the seiscomp3 db

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CH Swiss Seismological Service SCOU Cournillens, FR 46.8540 7.1037 600 2008-04-16 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SFUY Fully Stade de Charnot, VS 46.1349 7.1099 460 2021-09-15 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service GRYON Gryon, VD 46.2505 7.1111 1282 2002-10-10 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service MFERR Prayon, Val Ferret, La Fouly, VS 45.9510 7.1123 1601 2019-05-28 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service CHASS Chasseral, BE 47.1609 7.1213 1263 2021-04-21 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SCOD Château-d’Oex, salle de spectacle, VD 46.4705 7.1287 923 2016-04-20 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SFRU Fribourg, University, FR 46.7913 7.1579 639 2016-12-13 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service MTI02 Mont Terri, HE Schacht, JU 47.3793 7.1653 508 2014-05-19 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service MTI01 Mont Terri, ME Nische, JU 47.3791 7.1654 514 2014-05-19 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service MTI03 Mont Terri, Brunefarine, St-Ursanne, JU 47.3716 7.1669 720 2014-10-01 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service STAF Tafers, FR 46.8052 7.2161 650 2008-04-16 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SVBE Verbier Ecole, VS 46.0958 7.2226 1451 2020-10-14 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service BOURR Bourrignon, JU 47.3936 7.2301 847 1998-04-14 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SBIK Biel, Kongresshaus, BE 47.1344 7.2471 431 2014-11-11 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SARC Ardon Commune, VS 46.2098 7.2564 486 2018-05-29 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service JAUN Jaun, Euschelspass, FR 46.6340 7.2910 1658 2018-08-23 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SENIN Lac de Senin, Sanetsch, VS 46.3634 7.2994 2020 2002-02-06 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service MOUTI Moutier, Reservoir Montange de Moutier, BE 47.2975 7.3370 1160 2022-11-14 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SDES Delémont, Spital, JU 47.3685 7.3399 454 2016-02-05 details...
CH Swiss Seismological Service SIOM Sion-Mayennets, VS 46.2290 7.3619 495 1993-03-12 details...
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